You can use your Personnel Prescription to get an eatable substance of your choice energized from the centre. You can also get a prescription for your pet, plant or place.
Your Personnel Number is a Spiritual Radionic number that can be used for your general well being and it has nothing to do with the curing of any particular condition or balancing of any particular energy, it can simply be used like any 'mantra'. You can have a Spiritual Radionic Number for your pet, plant or place also. You need a radionic machine to use this number, or you can use this number with the help of Healing Energy Transmission Card (
Charges For Personal Consultation At Centre: Indian Rs.50/- (Valid For One Month).
Charges For Online Consultation: Indian Rs. 100/- (Valid For One Month).
Charges for postal consultation: Indian Rs.100/- per consultation (Valid for one month) plus postal charges from Agra to your place.
How To Use This Facility:
Download and complete the form given below. Left click the form to open the image; then right click the image and copy it. You can now paste it in Microsoft Word or any program you like. Save it in a pen-drive or CD etc. and get it printed or you can print it at your end.

Enclosures with the application:
1. Please fill in the details for which you are seeking consultation.
2. Remittance; if you visit the centre, the amount may be remitted personally. If you are applying by post or email, the remittance will have to be sent by post, through a bank draft or cheque, favouring 'Deepak Kashyap', payable at Agra, India.
You may visit the centre personally during consultation hours (morning 10 - 1.30 and evening 4 - 6) with prior appointment. Your prescription or the personal number will be delivered to you personally at the centre.
If sending the application by 'post', it is desirable that you also send your email address in case of need of any detailed discussion. Your personnel prescription or personnel number will be sent to you at your postal address.
If sending the application 'online', On receipt of your application, the centre will get in touch with you at your email address and discuss the details. Your personal prescription or personal number will be delivered to you at your email address.
This facility can be used by those seeking to use Energy Healing for short term purposes, through consultation for personnel prescription in any filed of Natural Healing/Spiritual Radionic, (for details of Natural Healing please visit, label 'Natural Healing A Cure Or A Way Of Life', for details of Spiritual Radionic please visit ( label 'The Author' post 'About me'). This facility can also be used for those seeking personnel number in Spiritual Radionic. Personnel prescription or number can also be had for your pet, plant or place.
You can use your Personnel Prescription to get an eatable substance of your choice energized from the centre. You can also get a prescription for your pet, plant or place.
Your Personnel Number is a Spiritual Radionic number that can be used for your general well being and it has nothing to do with the curing of any particular condition or balancing of any particular energy, it can simply be used like any 'mantra'. You can have a Spiritual Radionic Number for your pet, plant or place also. You need a radionic machine to use this number, or you can use this number with the help of Healing Energy Transmission Card (
Charges For Personal Consultation At Centre: Indian Rs.50/- (Valid For One Month).
Charges For Online Consultation: Indian Rs. 100/- (Valid For One Month).
Charges for postal consultation: Indian Rs.100/- per consultation (Valid for one month) plus postal charges from Agra to your place.
How To Use This Facility:
Download and complete the form given below. Left click the form to open the image; then right click the image and copy it. You can now paste it in Microsoft Word or any program you like. Save it in a pen-drive or CD etc. and get it printed or you can print it at your end.

Enclosures with the application:
1. Please fill in the details for which you are seeking consultation.
2. Remittance; if you visit the centre, the amount may be remitted personally. If you are applying by post or email, the remittance will have to be sent by post, through a bank draft or cheque, favouring 'Deepak Kashyap', payable at Agra, India.
You may visit the centre personally during consultation hours (morning 10 - 1.30 and evening 4 - 6) with prior appointment. Your prescription or the personal number will be delivered to you personally at the centre.
If sending the application by 'post', it is desirable that you also send your email address in case of need of any detailed discussion. Your personnel prescription or personnel number will be sent to you at your postal address.
If sending the application 'online', On receipt of your application, the centre will get in touch with you at your email address and discuss the details. Your personal prescription or personal number will be delivered to you at your email address.
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